Economical importance of bryophytes

ECOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF BRYOPHYTES Mosses and Bryophytes are the first organiasms to colonise rocks. They colonise rock by acidic secretion. This acidic secretion is due to the death of mosses. When the rock is decomposed it helps in soil formation. Therefore New soils are formed. The soil act as binders.  It prevent soil erosion. The water retention capacity of the soil is high ie, water holding capacity of the soil is high.  This reduces surface water run-off which prevent soil erosion. Bryophyte helps in the recycling of nutrients. ECONOMICAL IMPORTANCE OF BRYOPHYTES. 1) SPHAGNUM Sphagnum has high absorptive power with antiseptic property. This can be used to replace cotton in bandages. 2) MERCHANTIA   Mercahntia cures pulmonary tuberculosisand affliction (pain) in liver. Antibiotic substances are also extracted from bryophytes. it also acts as antiseptic, and as preservative POLYTRICHUM Polytrichum dissolove stone in kidney and in gall bladder. 3) IN RESEARCH It is u...

Carl Worse classification of prokaryotes, notes

Carl woese system
     A detailed study of nucleotide sequence of t- RNA in the ribosomes of different types of cells reveled the two different type of prokaryotes Thus we have three kinds of cell organization in pthe microorganisms ie two prokaryotic and Eukaryotic. The rank of three domain recognised by worse are Eubacteria, Archaebacteria and eukarya. 

The Eubacteria include prokaryotes which have peptidoglycan in their cell wall, eg., gram positive and negative bacteria, my oplasmas. 

The archaebacteria are with out peptidoglycan in their cell wall. They often live in extremely environment and show un usually metabolic activities. The domain archara divided into three kingdom ie mithanogenes, extreme halophiles and thermoacidophiles. 
   Methanogenes are strictly anaerobes, produce methane from CO2 and H. 
   The extreme halophiles are occur in highly saline environments such as salt lakes, surface of salt preserve food etc. These are obligate anaerobes. 
    Thermoacidophiles are grow in hot acidic environments ie hot water spring, etc. They are obligate aerobes, facultative aerobes or obligate anaerobes. 

A compare of the three cell type proposed by woese is given below


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