Fritsch system of classification
The most effective classification of algae was given birth F.E Fritsch (1935,48) in his book " The structure and Reproduction of Algae" . This classification based on such criteria as pigmentation, types of flagella, assimilatory products, thallus structures and reproduction. He divided algae into the following eleven classes.
1. Chlorophyceae ( grass green) - nine orgers.
2.Xanthophyceae( yellow green) - four orders.
3.Chrysophyceae( brown or Orange) - three orders.
4.Bacillariophyceae(diatoms, yellow or golden- brown) two orders.
5.Cryptophyceae( nearly brown) two orders.
6.Dinophyceae( dark yellow or brown) six orders.
7.Chloromonadineae( Bright green) single order.
8.Euglenineae( pure green ) three orders.
9.Phaeophyceae( brown) nine orders.
10.Rhodophyceae ( red) seven orders.
11.Myxophyceae or Cyanophyceae ( GGA) five orders.
1.CHLOROPHYCEAE(isokontae, green algae)
The Main pigments identical to that of higher plants. That are chl a, b, Carotenoids and xanthophylls. The chloroplast contains pyrenoids. Reserve food is starch , which aggregate around the pyrenoids. Cell wall is cellulosic, cells are typically Eukaryotic. Flagella, if present are equal length and at the anterior end. Reproduction is by vegetative, asexual and sexual (iso-, aniso-, Oogamous) methods.
This class has been divided into fall nine orders.
i. Volvocales ( eg. Volvox)
ii. Chlorococcales, eg. Chlorella
iii. Ulotrichalea, eg. Ulothrix
iv. Cladophorales, eg Cladophora
v. Chaetophorales, eg Fritschiella
vi. Oedogoniales, eg Oedogonium
vii. Conjugales, eg Zygnema
viii. Siphonales, eg Vaucheria and
ix. Charales, eg Chara.
2.XANTHOPHYCEAAE ( heterokont, yellow green algae)
The main pigments are chl a, e, beta- carotene and xanthophylls. The plastids are with out pyrenoids and reserve food is oil. Cell wall composed of pectic substances With little bit of cellulose. Cell is typically Eukaryotic with two anterior inserted unequal flagella the shorter flagellum is whiplash type and longer is tinsel type. Reproduction by vegetative, asexual and sexual (Isogamous) methods.
This class have been divided into following four
i. Heterochloridales, eg Heterochloris
ii. Heterococcales, eg Halosphaera
iii Heterotrichales, eg Microspora
iv Heterosiphonales, eg Botrydium.
Phycochrysin is dominant pigment which imparts brown or orange colour. The Chromatophore (is a cell containing pigments and hence reflects light. ) happy naked pyrenoids- like bodies reserve food is chrysolaminarin and leucosin. Cell wall is silicified or calcified and non cellulosic. The motile call have two Anteriorly inserted unequal or equal flagella. Sexual reproduction is rare, when present its Isogamous.
This class includes three orders.
i. Chrysomonadales, eg Chrysococcus
ii. Chrysosphaerales, eg Chrysosphaera
iii. Chrysotrichales, eg chrysoclonium.
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